
Lisa Roberson a resident of Midland, Texas for over 28 years, has found success in the Stained Glass Industry. Lisa is married to her wonderful husband, Marcus for 25+ years and has 3 grown children. Stained glass started as a hobby and before she knew it, she was asked to do it professionally. Her hobby quickly became a career! When you do something that you love, it isn't a job, but rather a passion, and Lisa is very passionate about Stained Glass.

Stained and beveled glass, who doesn't love looking at it? When done right, this medium can be one of the most impressive art forms around. Traditional stained and bevels glass is fully insurable as art.

If you are looking for a custom stained or beveled glass window design to meet a specific need, backed by professional workmanship, then you are looking for our services at Rising Sun Gallery. We specialize in producing attractive and practical entryways, windows, cabinet doors for residential, commercial and places of worships.

Artist around the world have been designing and building traditional stained and beveled glass windows for hundreds of years. At Rising Sun Gallery we continue to carry on the fine tradition of these great artist of the past and we strive to create artwork that surpasses the standards of other glass types of today.
